And get a bad back. Seems too easy.
Anyway, today I made a really great iPod playlist when I was on the bus. 'On-The-Go 1' is it's moniker for the time being. 'Bus Sounds' might be the next stage for it.
I've taken the liberty of writing out what's on it and saying why I love these songs so much. I'm no music journo, so my descriptions are really crap and biased, but hopefully you'll agree if you've heard them, or want to hear them if you haven't. Whatever bro.
1. Elle S'appelle - Little Flame - think this is the only song of theirs that I actually like, cos it's the only one that doesn't sound like they just completely ripped off Hot Club de Paris or National School. More like a double rip off of the two, but it works and is full of joy. Love it.
2. Mint Royal - Don't Falter - I remember when this came out. I was still at high school. I had it on a mix on my minidisc player (remember those? I didn't think anything would ever come smaller than a MINIDISC. Clue was in the name!) and used to listen to it on the bus all the time. I HATED getting the bus. Thinking about it, a half to the first stop was only 27p. Great days. Anyway, if you don't like this song, then I don't know what's up with you. It's got Lauren Laverne on it as well. It's almost 10 years old, but you would never know.
3. Desaparecidos - MaƱana - You know when a band slips out of your consciousness, but then someone reminds you of them, you pick up your iPod and whereyou'd usually just skip past them, you stop and think 'I am DEFINITELY listening to this!'? This happened to me the other day. Someone said 'do you like Desaparecidos?', and I thought 'christ, YES, I do!', and I haven't looked back since. This is my favourite song on Read Music / Speak Spanish. It's mega full of energy. ACE. There's one of those cute conversation interludes at the end, just before the next song comes in. The next song, 'Greater Omaha', reminded me of...
4. Calories - Drugged - pretty much one of the greatest song I've heard this year so far. It's so simple, and at times mainly sounds like drunk men (rowdy, but not horrible) singing together, but it's brilliant. I don't really know what else to say about it. Give it a listen.
5. Sebadoh - Skull - Don't think I could ever tire of this song. Unless you locked me in a room and just had it on repeat, obviously. It's so good. I think it gives an important insight into drug-taking, too. I'm always sort of... not TOUCHED by the lyrics, but I think the whole song is important. Well good. Love Sebadoh.
6. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Oregon Girl- Was gonna put 'Travel Song' on here, but thought it was 'too obvious'. Wish I was from Oregon.
7. Wolf Parade - Grounds For Divorce - PERFECT SONG! It reminds me of hundreds of different occasions all at once. The way Dan Boeckner sings is wonderful. DOO DEE DOO DOO DOO DEE DOO DOO. That's me doing the tune. Can you see how strained these descriptions are getting? Jeez.
8. Les Savy Fav - Sweat Descends - Nothing much to say about this but YEAAAH! WOOOOO! BEST SONG EVER!!!!!!
9. Death Cab For Cutie - Expo '86 - GREAT SONG. SO GREAT. Keep wondering what 'Expo 86' is? I was alive in '86. Why wasn't I invited to this expo??? "I AM WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO GO WRONG, I AM WAITING FOR FAMILIAR RESOLVE"
10. Get Up Kids - I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel - How could you not love a song that's called this? Even before you've heard it you love it loads. Well, I do anyway. I remember once I went to see them and they played this live. I almost cried, cos I'm so emo and ting. ~cry.
WELL, that was fun. I got bored towards the end, as you can probably tell. Watching Big Brother now. In bed. What a life.
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