- I couldn't be bothered to write a blog post about Britain's Got Talent LIVE!, but it's okay cos the entire evening has been documented HERE!!!!
What fails to make the cut is that we got back home in time for Big Brother, which was a particular highlight, and also that the programme was only £5. Apart from that, it's pretty well summed up. Actually, George Sampson was amazing too. Love you, George. All the way through I wished that I was 10 years younger so I could fancy him. - I went into the Carphone Warehouse to get a cheap mobile phone to take with me this weekend. It's a bit of a con, cos they say you can have a mobile for £4.99, but you have to buy a £10 top up. I've never had a pay as you go phone, so I don't know whether this is worth it, is it going to last? I just don't know. It didn't matter though, because I think the salesman took a bit of a shine to me and gave me this phone I was looking at for free. He said that drug dealers come in and swap their phones round all the time because they're paranoid. Worst salesman ever, but I wasn't bothered. Thank you drug dealers, thank you Carphone Warehouse.
- Not sure why they call it 'Carphone Warehouse' - has it been called that since the halcyon days of in-car phones? My mum had one of those when she had her own business. It was totally rad. We had, pretty much, the hottest (not physically hot) car EVE
R. ALL of the windows were electric, so were the wing mirror adjusters. The colour was 'greenstone', which meant it looked like it was a dark grey colour, but when the light shone on it, it went sparkly green. It was a Fiat Tempra.
At the time, my parents were doing pretty well financially, I went to a well nice school. and got awesome presents for Christmas like a Go-Go dog and a Sylvanian Families vintage mansion. The mansion was a bit of a waste, because in the end me and my brother just used it as a base for the Autobots to hide from the Decepticons. I think the same year, my brother got Scorponock (Dreamwave version under Megatron, well evil), so he pretty much needed the vintage mansion to look after the troops. I also think he got a dart board and darts for Christmas, as I distinctly remember there being a lot of little holes all over the outer shell of the mansion. This could also, of course, be attributed to Bruticus going postal on it. Either way, I wasn't that bothered.
How have I digressed so much? Oh yeah, so Carphone Warehouse. Great place. Shop there. - You know how I said I was gonna go early? I have ended up staying late.
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